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Open Question:

"The impressive megalith erected thirty years ago in the southern United States has still not revealed its mystery. Who is the sponsor, and what is its purpose?"


Only carefully BRAINWASHED westerners, fail to answer this question !


Any mediocre "medical detective" - AFTER four years of "DEEP STATE" deception on the origins & the purpose of Covid-19 / SARS-Cov-2 - will tell you, this is the order of the day from all those CRIMINALS in power, WHO DREAM TO CREATE A GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP, AS DESCRIBED BY BY THE "GREAT RESET" OF KLAUS SCHWAB, and all the other "leading" Psychopath's, that fall for his Marxist & CRIMINAL Dystopia . . .


Mankind has not learned yet - to differentiate between SANITY & INSANITY - so once again, we are led by a bunch of crazy PSYCHOPATHS.


Any real Psychopath is an INSANE being, led by his MENTAL desire to harm & to destroy - which is in exact opposition to about 98% of the world's population - who are guided by their mutual intention to SURVIVE.


As "We The People" do not like INSANITY & PSYCHOPATHS - the only real problem is their often fantastic ability for CAMOUFLAGE - like for example the highly talented mass-murderer & vaccine-killer Bill Gates, who poses as a "Philanthropist", and tries to scare the shit out of everyone, by falsely claiming the world is "overpopulated". . . !


We need to wake up to the reality of our problems & start to educate ourselves - on HOW TO DETECT THE TRUE "CAUSE", BEHIND ALL THOSE CRAZY "EFFECTS" - like mass-murder in wars, mass-murder from starvation, mass-murder from scientific suppression of the freedom of individual choice & mass-murder by vaccination.

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