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Massacre in Valencia

An english translation of Nauzet Morgade's work

The video above (in Spanish) is titled “Masacre en Valencia” (which translates to “Massacre in Valencia” in English), and was recorded by Nauzet Morgade, a Spanish citizen. The original video can be found here on Odysee.

In the video, Nauzet exposes the climate engineering operation that triggered the recent tragic floods on October 30th in Valencia, Spain. He points out that Morocco is also involved in this weather warfare attack.

I’ve translated Nauzet’s important video in English, as best as i could (forgive me for the potential errors, typos and mistranslations, i’ll keep updating the post). I’ll probably add subtitles to the video later on.

Note: some terms and acronyms are not translated on purpose:

“In Valencia, they want dead people, because dead people sell the climate change narrative”

“They’re using geoengineering in Spain to convert the country into a giant photovoltaic farm. This is the plan for our country, if we don’t succeed in stopping them.”

Hello dear colleagues,

Today i decided that i was going to stop working on the documentary "Incendiados" to dedicate myself to investigate, shed light, and reveal what really happened in Valencia.

In the last months, i've been documenting, every day, the systematic destruction of all the cold fronts, storms and rain. I haven't stopped.

I think that the "destruction" of the rain is already well documented on my channel. It's something that we've been living with for many years. Many years of tragedy, droughts, destruction of crops, ruin. With flagrant evidences.

No political party is reporting any of this. It's a taboo topic.

However, ironically, it's the most important topic that we can talk about. It surpasses any other problem that humanity is facing.

Probably more than 100 people have been brutally murdered. I'm going to explain what i believe has occurred in Valencia.

I've captured these images approximately 8 hours before the tragedy. We can clearly see that there's a column of storms that is accumulating in the center of the peninsula. The storms seem to tend to move toward the north, which is something that surprised me because the winds were blowing to the west, south west.

However, what caught my attention, is that at the level (latitude) of Cadiz, some kind of "void" started to form, some kind of rotation with an unnatural appearance, and which presents a straight line, which seems to pivot around something.

When i get closer, when i zoom in, i realize that indeed, the epicenter seems to be in Moron de la Frontera, exactly the place where there is a military radar, which is supposedly intended to be used for aerial surveillance and defense.

So i see that indeed there are signs that the radar is active, and we see these waves, these lines, these interferences, that the satellite is picking up. And if we follow them, we see that indeed the epicenter is in Moron de la Frontera, and that's where the radar is.

Moreover, we clearly see that the clouds seem to be blocked when they reach the zone of influence (of the radar), and start to go down towards Morocco, bordering, describing a turn and then going up in the direction of Valencia.

In fact we clearly see that the dominant wind is going in a south-west direction, and when it reaches the Atlantic ocean, it's absorbed by the cyclone, ending precisely in this zone of Cadiz (Moron de la Frontera). And then it goes up, in the direction of Valencia.

We need to emphasize the collaboration of Morocco, with its radars, to push these currents, these clouds, upwards. In fact, it's not a coincidence, that days before the tragedy in Valencia, there was already a lot of anxiety because of the experiments of Morocco with climate engineering.

Of course, we know that climate engineering has been going on for decades, it's not an experiment. We also know that Morocco has played a role but is not the only one responsible.

However this other image clarifies a lot of things, because we see clearly here the presence of a radar, with these waves and these lines, which literally repels everything, provoking a rotation. And on the coast of Cadiz, on that day, there was also another active radar, and this radar was having an impact on the clouds, pushing them, and causing rotations.

And that's why, during the night, while we were sleeping, all these cloud formations were concentrating on Valencia. The most curious is that, by chance, the previous Friday, the 25th of October, a breakdown disabled the weather radars of Murcia and Alicante. Nobody talked about this. And to this day, Wednesday, i wasn't able to find information on the state of the radars.

Nevertheless, it's curious to me that this DANA, provoked and fueled by the cyclone, influenced by the radar of Moron de la Frontera and by the radar of the coast of Cadiz ... well the only radars that could have interfered with it (hindered it) would be precisely the radars of Murcia and Alicante ! Coincidentally the 2 radars that were damaged last Friday.

But here it gets more complex because a well known farmer, last Friday, warned that the radar of Valencia wasn't working, and that according to AEMET, it had been struck by a bolt of lightning. However AEMET recently said that they were able to turn on the radar just before the DANA hit, using an alternative power source.

The fact-checkers attacked the claims of the farmer, saying that he was wrong, that this was a "joke". Of course we don't believe anything that comes from AEMET.

But what is true is that the radar of Valencia had been shut down for almost a year, and was only reactivated moments before the floods. According to the AEMET, they only power it on when there's an emergency. So it wasn't a joke, the fact-checkers lied. The only thing that the farmer said, is that on Friday, and for 2 days, the radar wasn't working, so he said the truth.

If all of this is correct, we have a straight line which goes from Cadiz up to Valencia, pushing all these clouds, and which doesn't encounter any obstacle, as the 3 radars that could have sent an alert were DOWN in the days leading to the floods, the radars of Murcia, Alicante, and Valencia. It seems, at the very least, very annoying, very suspicious, and even more knowing how AEMET is playing us.

And it's also very suspicious that, according to the mainstream media, the DANA intensified in Cadiz, in the gulf of Cadiz. Too many coincidences.

But it doesn't end there. Spain, for many years, has been converted in a sad reference, obeying the orders coming from the European Union to destroy dams and water reservoirs. The biologist Fernando López-Mirones is denouncing that these reservoirs that have been diverted (Embalse de Beniarrès, Embalse de la Rasa, Embalse de San Juan, Embalse de Alarcon), were collecting every year the "cold drops" (they don't exist now, now they're called DANAs) and thus were avoiding harms to the population because of their role in containing water.

After that, they allowed the construction of neighborhoods and houses in places which were historically battered by floods. By diverting these walls of containment, by diverting these reservoirs, there doesn't even need to be copious amounts of rain to cause big floods. Water literally doesn't have any obstacles now, and these deadly floods are now going to occur every year, because now they've built housings in places where water was contained by the dams that they've now destroyed.

Behind all of this, there's a lot of social engineering. It's easy to verify that until 2001, there was no such concept of what they now call DANA. There were only cold fronts. However, as time went by, the AEMET started to popularize the term "DANA", so that every time there was a flood or lots of rain, they would call it DANA. And in fact now we don't even talk about rain anymore, we only talk about DANAs, and they're always very menacing. Now rain is an enemy, a risk, a danger.

But there's something more. Rafael Alvarez de Jaime said: "What a coincidence, that the regions most affected, Alicante, Valencia and Murcia are known for their agricultural crops. What a coincidence, that the farmers of those regions, had been complaining that there was unfair competition for their products from certain neighboring countries. What a coincidence, that this DANA, is happening during harvest time. What a coincidence, that in these regions, there are plans of huge photovoltaic solar farms.

Those who have followed my work during all these years don't have any doubts. In fact everything i say has already been embodied in a legal criminal complaint. No judge dared to give a hearing.

What happened today in Valencia, was only a warning, and also a great declaration of intentions. They don't give a shit about human life. The business of "climate change", is the most monstrous business of all. Independently from the fact that both Spanish and Moroccan governments are fine with the destruction of the country's agriculture, the agriculture of Murcia, Alicante, and Valencia, in reality the objective of this terrorist attack is to be used as a "Action, reaction, solution" pretense, so that the population begs for laws, begs for protection, so that in the end they fall into the trap.

After the massacre of Valencia, all the mainstream media, in unison, have been relentlessly pushing the nonsensical narrative of "climate change". To induce fear in the population.

Jorge Olcina Cantos (University of Alicante): “This is another evidence of the process of climate change, climate change is causing changes in the rainfall patterns. It’s an effect, i would say, meditteranean of the climate change process, with more intense rain, and it comes with extreme weather phenomenons (storms, tornadoes, floods ..) that generate panic in the population”.

And incidentally, to induce the hatred of "climate change" negationists in the population. In reality, the typical "negationist" is a skeptical person that demands evidences, and that in addition has evidence that contradicts the official narrative.

Jorge Olcina Cantos (University of Alicante): “Negating climate change costs human lives.”

Sanchez (the Prime Minister who fled like a coward in Valencia): “There’s no room for negationism. And we can’t stay neutral anymore with those climate change negationists.” [They want you to join their climate change cult, and if you don’t, and expose their lies, and wake people up about climate engineering, then they can’t “stay neutral” with you no more]

The reaction of the media and the so-called experts betrays them, you can see their intention. On the basis of this tragedy, they're going to justify everything that they're about to do: justify laws, justify restrictions, loss of human rights, draconian measures, taxes, and the whole range of possibilities that the climate fraud gives them.

Jorge Olcina Cantos: “We’re going to have to modify the laws .. This alert system will have to be rethought to prevent people from leaving their home” [How dare you try to escape man-made floods ? Be reasonable, die at home]

We know what's really going on. This is a war, and because the evidence is all there and they can't avoid it, they can only play dirty.

But we're the ones who are right, who have reason. The Spanish government is a terrorist organization. Syndicate of the criminal congress. You have killed all the victims of this atrocity, whether by action or omission. Whether you know it or not, you are responsible.

This was a climate engineering attack, as was Operation Popeye, in Vietnam, provoking floods, killing people, and destroying crops. You, the military, AEMET, aerial vigilance, you're all involved. And soon, the people will know, you can't hide it much longer.

My condolences to all the families of the victims of this state-sponsored terrorist attack. I encourage them to seek the truth, and to fight to bring justice.

Strength and honor.

Nauzet Morgade

UN’s Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals” banner in the streets of Valencia after the floods. Sustainable Development = Depopulation, and climate engineering is one of the weapons they use to reduce the population.

In this video, a person from Valencia, who worked for Meteo France (French meteorological agency), explains that what moved the cloud formations toward Valencia wasn’t the winds, but radars (in this case the radar of Moron de la Frontera), using electromagnetic pulses.

Life in Valencia after the genocidal floods. This film is worth watching even if you don’t understand Spanish. Lots of footage of locals helping with the recovery, many people complaining about the authorities failing to alert in advance, not doing much or preventing the population from helping.

A powerful testimony from writer Santiago Posteguillo:

Cov - Id Project Substack
Direct testimony of the Massacre in Valencia
The writer Santiago Posteguillo tells the truth about what happened in Paiporta. Paiporta is a municipality in the Valencian Community, Spain. It belongs to the province of Valencia, in the Huerta Sur region, in the metropolitan area of ​​Valencia…
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Nano Ordo Mundi
Nano Ordo Mundi