Recently Jeffrey Prather interviewed Steve Favis multiple times to talk about the Maui fires and how evidence from public telemetry data seems to indicate that chinese satellites were apparently involved in DEW attacks on Maui. For this video i’ve mainly selected the parts of their conversation related to Maui.
As Steve explains, with all the gossip about Directed Energy Weapons, he wanted an answer to a fundamental question:
Everybody was talking about directed energy weapons .. all i wanted to find out was .. “Was there something above Maui at the time of the fires ?”
With the help of a well-known software called MatLab, and publicly available telemetry data from Norad, that’s what he did. Steve is a programmer and has the skills to do this kind of work.
Steve even published his work (including the source code), so that anyone can reproduce his findings and verify it.
I found 2 objects that were above Maui.
One object passed twice, and caused 2 fires, i believe the Olinda fire, and the Kula fire.
So one object .. i have the Norad ID .. it lines up exactly with the time the fires were reported. You know, one satellite being above, that’s one thing .. but when there’s 2 satellites, 3 fires, and they’re always above when these fires happen, it’s NOT an accident.
The Olinda fire and the Kula fire happened at two separate times, but when that one satellite passes, it passes over at the exact same time the fires start, so that’s too much coincidence to consider this, you know, chance.
I found his explanations about the erratic patterns of the burned zones interesting:
I did the maths and physics on my website, it takes about 2 minutes for a 1 meter wide burst to set fires over a mile. There’s atmospheric interference, that’s why it’s such an erratic pattern, that’s why there’s stuff that’s zapped, burnt, and there’s also stuff that completely survives.
And the blue factor too. I calculate that this is an near-infrared spectrum, and that’s why it’s not damaging blue colors.
These satellites are powered by big solar arrays. What’s clear from the evidence that he shows, is that the 2 satellites make multiple passes, and after a hit, they need to recharge, using the sun for their murderous enterprise.
They’re recharging the lasers on another pass ! These are probably solar-recharged lasers. That pass is like a reload, it’s like putting another magazine in … It doesn’t take too long when you’re in space to charge solar panels !
When you have lasers with such energy, it’s just instant damage, very very powerful lasers. They just need a burst for a brief second and boom, it’s almost like an explosion.
“Unknown” satellites
The satellites that Steve uncovered with Norad’s data were all labeled as “Unknown”.
I just inputed the parameters and i started looking at them, thinking, Ok, what is “Unknown”, on these things ? and .. Norad is tracking things they label as “Unknown”, and how big would these things be, number one, how much power would be needed to cause a fire from space, i calculated 20 or 15 megawatts, but i found that the launch capabilities of the marchline of chinese rockets can launch about 44 tons. That’s a lot, and that’s a lot of batteries.
I calculated the amount of energy needed, and were these (the capacitators) possible to launch in space, and what power of lasers can we launch with a 44 tons launch.
I figured out that with a 44 ton launch payload capability, they could power a 70 gigawatt laser. That’s tremendously powerful.
Now, what’s really interesting, is that in Norad’s data, for each satellite, there’s a label, and there’s an origin.
The label, as Steve reports, is always set to “Unknown”.
But the origin (where the satellite was launched from) is PRC, aka People’s Republic of China.
Norad tracks the origin of these objects, where they come from. Norad classifies the CCP satellites as “PRC”, “People’s Republic of China”, so they know the origin of where these came from.
So these were clearly launched from places in China.
Steve posted this update on his website on the 5th of September, he included the IDs of the satellites:
I found 2 Satellites with potential Directed Energy Capabilities that were over Hawaii at the EXACT time of the three major Fires.
NORAD Satellite Catalog ID 53299 passes TWICE at the exact time of Kula & Olinda Fires.
NORAD 55836 passes over the time of the Lahaina Fires.
Here’s a video he made where he tracks the satellites at the time of the fires.
Norad evidently knows that there were satellites above Maui during the fires, and they know the origin of these satellites. But who’s controlling these satellites ? There are many parties involved in this attack, and the fact that there were satellites of chinese origin over the islands during the fires is only a small part of the puzzle.